Ali JahangiriPour

MSc Student

I am currently pursuing an MSc in Artificial Intelligence at Amirkabir University of Technology, under the guidance of Prof. AmirMazlaghani. The focus of my thesis is “medical anomaly detection in MRI”. My interests lie in exploring principled solutions to challenges in machine learning and data science, utilizing tools from probability, statistics, information theory, and optimization.

I explore how to give computers the ability to learn anything—except, perhaps, my bad habits!

Take a look at my LinkedIn profile for the latest updates.

Research Interests

  • Computational/Statistical learning theory
  • Trustworthy and Responsible AI
  • Adversarial ML
  • Explainble and interpretable AI
  • Fairness
  • Online learning (eg: multi-armed bandits)
  • Bioinformatics
  • Anomaly detection


  • Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence, Sep 2023 - present

  • Sharif University of Technology Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Sep 2017 - feb 2022 Grade: 17.35/20 Ranked Top 25% out of 70 students in the Civil engineering department.
