Farzane Abdoli

PhD Student

I received my M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2019 at Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) where I am a PhD candidate in the department of Computer Engineering Now. My research interests include deep learning safety and robustness, especially the problems related to detection of adversarial examples.

Research Interests
  • Adversarial Robustness
  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning
  • Generative AI
  • Abdoli F, Sheikhzadeh H, Pourahmadi V. Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient in Acoustic to Articulatory Inversion. In2022 12th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE) 2022 Nov 17 (pp. 080-084). IEEE.
  • Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, Sep.2022 - Present
  • Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), M.Sc. in Communication systems, Electrical Engineering, Sep.2017 – Feb.2019
  • Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, communication, Sep.2013 – Sep.2017