Ali Amiryan

MSc Student

I’m a student at Amirkabir University of Tehran, originally from Mashhad but currently living in Tehran. I’m in my third term, and so far, I’ve maintained a GPA of 4. I believe in the power of teamwork and have always been dedicated to collaborative efforts. Before my current program, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with a GPA of 4. trading, with a focus on Forex and Crypto markets. I’ve also completed tangible projects in backend development using Django and Laravel.


Awards and Honors

  • Rank 2nd among about 150 graduated students of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad
  • 15th Place in ACM ICPC in 2018 which is held in the Tehran site (Sharif University)
  • Rank 144th in the Iranian university entrance exam

Research Interests

  • Time series method of forecasting
  • Interpretability
  • Transformers
  • Deep Learning
  • Financial markets
  • NLP



python, MQL, Mathlab, C++, JS, Java, C#, GO


Pytorch, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Boekeh, Vue-JS, Django, Laravel, Selenium, ZMQ


SQL Server, MySQL, Redis


Git, Docker, Ubuntu, Latex, Office


  • Email :
  • Telegram : @A_Amiryan
  • LinkedIn
  • GitHub